Tuesday, August 23, 2011

20 Meals in 1 Day: Day 1

A few days ago, DD and I were in Shop Rite picking up some small things when I saw the new Rachael Ray magazine. The cover said "Twenty Meals, One Day" so of course I grabbed it. DH is always getting on me about not planning my meals, so I figured this was a perfect opportunity to try out the idea.

Yesterday, I spent an hour in the kitchen prepping pork and veggies. Yes, I kept them separate. Once I had 8 lbs (not 10 as RR says to use) cut up, seasoned, and in the oven I started on the veggies. I bought pre-cut squash so that saved me some time. The peppers and onions went easy, and then sat on my kitchen counter for over an hour until the pork was done. We're not making the tomato sauce, as I'm a lazy mom and have three jars of spaghetti sauce in the house. Tomorrow afternoon I'll do the chicken and rice. I would have done it yesterday, but my feet and back were killing me, and having your oven at 450 degrees for over 2 hours does not make for a comfortable work environment.

So today we had meal #1, Mango Pork, and Watercress Salad. I followed the recipe almost exactly. We're out of honey so I subbed maple syrup, and I don't like almonds so I subbed crushed walnuts, and I didn't buy shallots. DH and I both loved the crunch of the nuts, peppers, and watercress. I loved the sweet tangy dressing. You couldn't really taste the pork. Next time I make this, I'll sub spinach for watercress and add some curry to the dressing. And if I'm out of pork I think tuna would work just as well.

One the knitting front, I'm working on a proposal for Interweave, so everything else is on hold and I really can't talk about it. But don't worry, September is when I (hope to) start my Christmas knitting.

Tomorrow, Fusilli with Chicken and Tomato Sauce.

Friday, July 15, 2011

New news

So I just learned the Old Norwegian, or Twisted German, cast-on. It's supposed to be a nice stretchy beginning for many projects, including socks. I just finished my first "Cable My Big Toes" sock, and the cuff is a little loose for me. I pulled up some videos and gave the new cast-on a try. Won't know til I get to where I can try on the sock if I like it or not.

On the home front, being recording secretary of the PTO is working out ok so far. But ask me after the school year has started and I may have a different answer. With the MOMS Club, WS and I switched positions. I was VP of membership and W was secretary. However, at our first board meeting I show up with the iPad and W shows up with nothing. While I'm taking notes, she jokingly asks if I want to switch. Being me, I say "No prob." And so, with the president's ok, we switch. So now I'm secretary for two organizations. Thank the gods for my iPad. And thanks Hon for buying it.

Between my board positions and our renovation of the house (just flooring for now), I haven't had much time for anything else. Not even a whole lot of time for knitting. And in September there's school, and scouts, and soccer, and birthday planning. So here's to my last few days of "leisure."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yarn Diet

So, got back from Maryland Sheep and Wool Fest. Bought probably about a pound of roving to spin. And five skeins of yarn and a spindle.

I was looking for Tinkerbell green for AK for a bolero and couldn't find anything spun in the right color. However, I saw the perfect shade for $7/2 oz and picked up 10 oz. And then my friend J wanted roving (big WTF) and the stand we were at would give her a free 4 oz bag if she bought two more. So of course I bought two, in this gorgeous red no less, so she could get a discount on her four bags. And of course, now that she has roving, she asks me to teach her how to spin. I took one horrible class last fall and only spun the rest of the roving I got from the NJ S&W. But J's so excited. So I buy a spindle and a IK book on spinning. And somewhere during all this I bought two skeins for $3 each. Back at the hotel, I give a quick and fumbling lesson to J while greatly improving my own technique. So ends Day 1.

We went back cuz I had to buy some more spun yarn. Got some super squishy ultra-pettable angora/merino blend that was naturally dyed in some awesome colors for a dress for DD. Got blocking wires on my way to Sanguine Gryphon. Now, I'm a serious lurker on their website. Love the patterns and Love the colorways. Well, let me tell you, the yarn is as soft and luxurious as it looks on the website. Both some Little Bugga and their new yarn, Mithril. Love, love, LOVE the colors. And Mithril is 560 yds for $20. Really great deal. Bought some bumper stickers and buttons and a MD S&W shirt before heading home.

So, back to reality. Last night, DH said I had to find some place to put all this yarn. Hence the yarn diet. I had to consolidate three stash sites down to two. So I have absolutely no space for any more yarn. And I have so many WIPs and WIMs that even I see the need to destash. Seeing as I've got a boatload of yarn (enough for my own store as my son says) I won't be buying any more yarn until at least after I get the green roving spun.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back to work

So I survived Spring Break. It was actually pretty nice. Got to sleep in a bit while the kids played nicely with each other for about 45 minutes. Now I'm gearing up for two trips.

The kids are going with Auntie to PA this weekend. Not only do I have to pack for both of them, I also have to pack warm and cool weather clothing cuz they're gonna be on a mountain. Not at the top, but high enough where the temp drops 20 degrees when the sun goes down. My aunt has been taking DS for years. This will be the first time she takes DD. Let's hope it won't be the last.

Trip number two is my trip to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival weekend after next. Just me and J. I'm packing good shoes and an extra bag to bring home swag and other goodies. And booze. I'm thinkin they're gonna up the local prices cuz there's a big event in town. Don't want a lot, but JIC.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Break

So DS is home for spring break. DD is ecstatic to have her big brother home during the day, and DS is having fun playing with her and getting more computer time.

Yesterday, Auntie took him to see Hop. He says it was great. I think his favorite part was going to McDonald's after. Later today I'm going to show him how to use the potholder loom, and we're just gonna hang out here and watch movies. Tomorrow it's an afternoon at Nana's while I go and get my first mammogram.

In a little less than 2 weeks I'll be heading to Maryland for the Sheep and Wool Festival. REally looking forward to it and spending time with my friend J. And ogling some yummy yarn.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trying to be healthy is bad for my health

Went to Sourland Mountain with DS's scout pack. Contrary to the brochure, the easy level Pond Trail was too difficult for me. After giving a jump to a nice, athletic-looking couple, they told me to stick to the parking lot based on my (lack of) ability on a bike. So while in the lot, a car comes speeding in. I squeeze the back brake and start skidding on the loose gravel. BAM! I twist my knee, which was in horrible shape to begin with. So I pack up and go back to the car and knit til the boys get back. Hopefully I'll be ok tomorrow so I can go out on my new bike and enjoy the gorgeous day.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's (A)live!

My knitting company website is finally up! Yeah!

It's still a little naked, but I'll be working on that as well as working on some projects.

What does that mean for you? It means I'll be separating knitting from the rest of my personal life, at least blog wise. If you read this, it means I know you, so you can have access to my inner thoughts. However, I've been handing out business cards to complete strangers and they don't need to be "all up in my bidnez."

So.... I think the terrible twos have started for Delenn. Almost all day yesterday it was "no" this and "no" that. She finally crashed at 7 and boy was I ever grateful. Kendall has to make an instrument for Monday (oh joy) and he's going to my mom's this weekend so it will be a hectic day today and Sunday night.

Besides that, I had a great birthday (thanks to everybody who texted/called/stopped by). Don't forget to check out my new website, and post comments either here or there.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011

So, I've finished MIL's cardigan. Looks great, feels great. I'm currently in the process of sewing the sleeves to the body, and am trying not to get aggravated. I never realized how frustrating it is to line up square set-in sleeves. While I was knitting, I was thinking of doing the sleeves in the round, but decided to follow the pattern as written. Next time, I'll listen to that voice in my head.

Also, finished the Jack of diamonds scarf. But I pulled the seam too tight so I didn't have to add another ball just to bind off. Looks lop-sided, so I will frog and start the end border a row sooner. Hopefully that'll fix it, and nobody will notice. If not I'm gonna have to take out an entire pattern repeat and I don't want to have to do that.

As for business. Got the business cards. Have to make the website go live by the 1st so I can hand out the cards and people will have a site to go to. Almost done my own socks, so I'll start the socks for JDR so I can be a walking advertisement. I've also got to do my swatches for my kids designs. I'm swatching in undyed cotton just to see if the stitches look right. Then I'll submit sketches and photos to yarn companies who will hopefully send me some yarn.

Unfortunately no pics, but I'll definitely have some up by the end of the month. Have to post for the business site, so might as well post here as well.