So I just learned the Old Norwegian, or Twisted German, cast-on. It's supposed to be a nice stretchy beginning for many projects, including socks. I just finished my first "Cable My Big Toes" sock, and the cuff is a little loose for me. I pulled up some videos and gave the new cast-on a try. Won't know til I get to where I can try on the sock if I like it or not.
On the home front, being recording secretary of the PTO is working out ok so far. But ask me after the school year has started and I may have a different answer. With the MOMS Club, WS and I switched positions. I was VP of membership and W was secretary. However, at our first board meeting I show up with the iPad and W shows up with nothing. While I'm taking notes, she jokingly asks if I want to switch. Being me, I say "No prob." And so, with the president's ok, we switch. So now I'm secretary for two organizations. Thank the gods for my iPad. And thanks Hon for buying it.
Between my board positions and our renovation of the house (just flooring for now), I haven't had much time for anything else. Not even a whole lot of time for knitting. And in September there's school, and scouts, and soccer, and birthday planning. So here's to my last few days of "leisure."