Monday, February 13, 2012

Couch to 5K

I know, it's been waaaay too long between posts. That's what happens when life doesn't just give you lemons, it drops a whole truckload right on your doorstep. So as I pick stems out of my hair, let's get on with the latest.

I have started the Couch to 5K program. I'm following's podcast and so far so good. Today was Week 2 Day 1. I had DH map out a 1/2 mile route on the cul de sacs around our house, and this was the first day I went past three full loops. Yea! I actually did about three and a half, or 1.75 miles, give or take, in a half an hour. And that was with neighbors stopping me to talk when they could obviously see I had my headphones on and was trying to keep moving. Being optimistic, DH also mapped out a 5K route around our house. Both routes, the half-mile and 5K, are all relatively flat with little to no traffic. I also go at a good time (for now), at 11-ish so when I get back I can put DD down for her nap.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. The bike trailer we got in May has an extra wheel and a handlebar attachment so it converts to a jogging stroller. Today was the first day I didn't have to fight with her to either get in or stay in the stroller. In fact, she fell asleep about five minutes before the end of the track.
If you'd like to see DH's maps (Google Earth format), send me an email and I'll send them to you.

On the knitting front, I've gotten good at continental. I watched YouTube vides that helped some, but the real help was having my friend Pam come and actually show me how to do it. I knew how to wrap the yarn around the needle from the videos; watching Pam helped me understand what to do with my other fingers and wrists and helped with my tension.
I've also started a cape for DD and a hat for me. The cape is a super simple top-down raglan that I will eventually write up and the hat was a Ravelry find. I need to finish up my WIPs so I can start working on WIMs and try to get them published.

That's all for now. I'll post more in two days after I go jogging again.