What's New in My Life
What's Off the Needles
DH has been bugging me for a while about seaming his sweater (like he's gonna need a heavy wool sweater this summer), so I finished it.
Also, I have everything done on DS's sweater except the zipper. Gonna go over Nana's one rainy day and figure out how to sew that baby on.
Finished socks for LK, but don't have any pics yet. Will post next time.
KIP (What's On the Needles)
I've got one very fuzzy bear made completely out of fun fur and one bear made with fun fur/RHSS mix. Both were supposed to be for Pam's contest, but DS wants to keep fuzzy cuz DH says he looks like an Ewok. Hopefully I'll finish the two by the end of the week so I can start on two blue ones that I have planned.
I'm still working on my Omega Psi Phi scarf. I got a lot done, but I think I'll frog it (again) to give myself more selvedge stitches to sew up so the double knitting doesn't bow out. There's also a matching hat planned. All my own designs. There's also an AKA scarf (Bernat pink and green camo) that is my "mindless" knitting project. Great for doctor's offices, driving to see in-laws, and anywhere else it's better to zone out than to stress about the impending event.
And finally, a sweater for DD. Dad's got one, Brother's got one, now the baby needs a sweater. I wanted something to throw on her on chilly nights, but I couldn't find anything in the stores that was as light as I wanted. I'm using Allegra Wermuth's Boheme pattern, but where she calls for DK I'm using worsted. Hopefully I've adjusted properly. I also bought the yarn for Interweave's Florentine Dress. Both are in shades of lilac, so I'm hoping they'll make a nice outfit. Thanks to Tricia for picking out the buttons.
No pics for these. Maybe next time.
Upcoming Events
- The last day of school is Friday, so I'll have both kids all day long. The plan is to go to the pool MWF and stay home the other two days (so I can get stuff done, like knitting in peace).
- DH and DS are going out to Pennsyltucky for the Fourth. I'm gonna see if I can drop DD off at Nana's so I can have a weekend all to myself. Whee!!!
- DS's scout leader has kinda asked me to help her out next year. I'm not sure I'm cut out for it, as I've never worked that closely with a group of young boys before, but everyone I've talked to thinks I'll be okay. If anyone reads this before August, please comment and let me know what you think.
Closing Thoughts
After knitting other people's patterns for almost three years, I'm starting to get my own ideas. Eventually they will get out of my head and onto needles and paper. I'm charting the Omega Psi Phi scarf as I go, and I've been writing down some stuff for gauntlets and a matching ear warmer. To save on yarn for the more complicated stuff, I've enlisted the help of my cousin (size XS) and my neighbor (size S-M) to be my models for tops. I almost never get gauge in a pattern using the recommended needles, so if anyone uses my patterns in the future they will definitely have to do a tension swatch.
My First Posted Pattern
I won't claim credit for this. It's in my head, but it feels more like I'm remembering something I saw than my own idea. But here is the pattern for DH's scarf.
1 skein Red Heart Super Saver (or approx. 250 yds worsted)
US 7 needles, straight or circ
Gauge not important. It's a scarf for cryin out loud.
CO 39 st, or any preferred multiple of 6 sts + 3.
Row 1: K3, [P3, K3] til end of row
Row 2: P1, [K1, P1] til end of row
Rep rows 1 and 2 until desired length, ending on row 2.
BO in patt for row 1.
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